Ballet of kooky angels
Les anges... les fous, les fous... les anges
Qui dansent
Sans s’arrêter.
Les notes du piano, celles du violon
S’élèvent avec les anges fous
Pour tourner avec eux
Dans ce ballet éthéré
Un ange plus fou que les autres
Ou bien est-ce
Un fou plus angélique que certains
Mêle sa voix aux notes sacrées.
Chant cristallin me volant des larmes
Ainsi qu’un sourire
Afin de ne point briser le charme
Et continuer de regarder... le ballet des anges... les anges danser.
Spend time looking at the angels dancing.
The angels... the madmen, the madmen... the angels
Who dance
Without stopping.
The notes of the piano, those of the violin
Rise with the crazy angels
To turn with them
In this ethereal ballet.
An angel, more mad than the others,
Or is it
A kooky, more angelic than some,
Mixes his voice with the sacred notes.
Crystal singing stealing me tears,
As well as smile
Not to break the charm
And continue to look at... the ballet of the angels... the angels dancing.
The angels... the madmen, the madmen... the angels
Who dance
Without stopping.
The notes of the piano, those of the violin
Rise with the crazy angels
To turn with them
In this ethereal ballet.
An angel, more mad than the others,
Or is it
A kooky, more angelic than some,
Mixes his voice with the sacred notes.
Crystal singing stealing me tears,
As well as smile
Not to break the charm
And continue to look at... the ballet of the angels... the angels dancing.
Poème © Liz - 06/nov. 2007
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