Johnny Depp - Dessin rapide à l'encre / Quick ink drawing
(edit : dessin modifié + ajout d'une citation)
Format A3
Johnny Depp
There's nothing - you know - nothing else like music.
Nothing that touches us on that, uh, that deep level.
Music can open up so many emotions that we didn't know we had.
It's the magical thing about musicals, you know,
on the stage or on film or whatever.
Love songs.
They work so well because music touches us, emotionally,
where words alone can't.
~ Johnny Depp Quote
Un concert de rêve pour une Grande Cause avec des personnes que j'aime :
Eddie Vedder + Johnny Depp + Patti Smith + Ben Harper (entre autre)
This is an excerpt for the "Voices for Justice" rally held in Little Rock, AR on August 28, 2010. The rally's purpose was to raise awareness for the cause of the West Memphis Three - Damien Echols, Jason Baldwin, and Jessie Misskelley. For more information on the case, go to or
vidéos de unpaintedarizona (thank you!)
In this clip, Eddie joins Fistful of Mercy (Dhani Harrison, Joseph Arthur, Ben Harper) for "Release Me"
- a track from their forthcoming debut album.
In this clip, Johnny joins Eddie for a performance of Vedder's "Society",
which is included on the soundtrack for "Into the Wild."
In this clip, Eddie joins Natalie for a rendition of James Taylor's "Close Your Eyes".
The rally featured performances/appearances by Eddie Vedder, Natalie Maines, Johnny Depp, Fistful of Mercy,
Patti Smith, and others. In this clip, the group performs "People Have the Power".